Dress conflicts in XI-XII. century


  • Margit Szlancsok MATE Kosáry Domokos Library and Archives




chivalric culture, reform monasticism, heretics, apostolic way of life, mendicant orders


Due to crisis symptoms after 476, we do not encounter opposition to luxury between the 5th and 10th centuries. The chivalric culture emerging from the 11th century and the opulence accompanying it, revived fashion. The court's young men appeared in short dresses and shaved, in earth-sweeping cloaks, with long beards and curly hair. The religious movements (reform friars, heretics, itinerant preachers) that emerged from the 12th century, with their appearance reminiscent of hermits and apostles came into conflict with the clergy being resplendent in ornate dress and as well as with their evangelical lifestyle with ecclesiastical luxury. The papacy took steps successfully against the efforts threatening its power. It has abolished wildings; and received into the Church those it could. At the beginning of the 13th century, two mendicant orders approved by the Pope were established. The Franciscans and the Dominicans adopted the hermit's wear, the apostolic way of life, and lived in poverty by begging. They were popular among the people, thus they were able to make the wealth of the temples to be forgotten. At the same time, it was the starting point for their opposition to the secular luxury and opulence emerging in the 14th century.


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How to Cite

Szlancsok, M. (2024). Dress conflicts in XI-XII. century. Opuscula Theologica Et Scientifica, 2(2), 67–74. https://doi.org/10.59531/ots.2024.2.2.67-74



Religion and Research