The sacral significance of forests and trees in the religions, philosophies, and spirituality




groves, mythology, environment, churc, biodiversity


The immense stature and enduring lifespan of trees and forests have undeniably left a profound impact on the creative minds of preliterate societies. It is evident that these natural wonders have captivated the imagination of early civilizations, influencing their beliefs, traditions, and cultural expressions. Throughout the globe, various religious groups have preserved sacred forests and groves, which are ancient wooded areas believed to be the dwelling places of the spiritual or divine entities, for many generations. Numerous sacred forests have endured throughout various regions of the world. These include the church forests found in the highlands of Ethiopia, the hillside groves that hold great significance for Catholics in Italy, the woodlands that are deeply revered by Shinto practitioners in Japan, as well as the forests that hold sacred value for Indigenous communities in Siberia, Australia, the Americas, and India. Protected woodlands serve as valuable repositories of biodiversity, acting as crucial sanctuaries for various plant and animal species that are scarce or have disappeared in other parts of the region. The preservation of these sacred spaces is being challenged by climate change, pollution, and urbanization. Throughout the years, devoted caretakers, environmentalists, and governments have taken on the responsibility of safeguarding these areas, but now there is a growing effort to enhance their protection.


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2024-09-11 — Updated on 2024-10-14


How to Cite

Mics, F. (2024). The sacral significance of forests and trees in the religions, philosophies, and spirituality. Opuscula Theologica Et Scientifica, 2(2), 23–65. (Original work published September 11, 2024)



Religion and Research