Destinity and Freedom — Leopold Szondi


  • Mária Radomir John Wesley Theological College. Wesley Doctoral School of Theology and Religious Education



free will, determinism, predestination, fate analysis, choice, pontifex oppositorum, existentialism


Leopold Szondi poses the question whether man is free to choose his own destiny. In Szondi's
oeuvre, this question is first formed as a behavioural-biological-hereditary one, but eventually leads to a
theological and anthropological answer about free will, formulated in the language of psychoanalysis.
According to Szondi the function of faith enables us to connect our ego with the transcendent, thus allowing
us to attain our freedom. Szondi's system of thought, the theory of fate analysis, is profoundly connected to
existentialist philosophy: they ask similar questions, address similar problems and essentially share some key


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How to Cite

Radomir, M. (2024). Destinity and Freedom — Leopold Szondi. Opuscula Theologica Et Scientifica, 2(1), 1–11.



Religion and Research