Isaac Luria and his circle's paths to god

Part 1.: The religious practitioner


  • András Vág



Safed, kabbalah, innovation, rituals, prayer, tikkun


This study is the first part of a two-part analysis summarising the activities of Isaac Luria in Safed, the best-known figure of Jewish mysticism. In this first part, the author provides an insight into Luria's roles as a religious leader, as an innovative shaper and teacher of Kabbalah, and as a member of the local Jewish community. In doing so, the study shows some details of what he did and how he spent his time during his years in Safed. The study also traces the purposes and messages of the most important rituals and religious customs that Luria introduced to the Safedian Kabbalists. This is on the understanding that Luria not only created, but by all accounts led and practised the rituals himself.


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2023-05-08 — Updated on 2023-05-17


How to Cite

Vág, A. (2023). Isaac Luria and his circle’s paths to god : Part 1.: The religious practitioner. Opuscula Theologica Et Scientifica, 1(1), 63–84. (Original work published May 8, 2023)



Religion and Research