Towards a theology of the Anthropocene


  • Mária Radomir John Wesley Theological College. Wesley Doctoral School of Theology and Religious Education, Budapest



contextual theology, anthropocene, Earth system science, planetary boundaries, climate collaps, human-nonhuman networks, ecofeminism, post-anthropocentrism, geocentrism


The study interprets the Anthropocene era as the current context for theology. The first part discusses the history and development of the scientific concepts of the Anthropocene, with a particular focus on Earth system science. The second part focuses on the humanities interpretation of the Anthropocene, highlighting its transdisciplinary nature and examining the complex networks of human and non-human actors. The perspective of the Anthropocene is defined by a post-anthropocentric view, replacing anthropocentrism with a geocentric approach. The climate catastrophe, as a complex crisis, challenges the traditional notion of human exceptionalism and domination over nature. Finally, the study explores the possibilities and theoretical challenges of theology in the Anthropocene era.


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How to Cite

Radomir, M. (2024). Towards a theology of the Anthropocene. Opuscula Theologica Et Scientifica, 2(2), 1–21.