"Lack, need and tasks" of an ecumenical and transdisciplinary ecotheology





divinity, science, methodology, sustainability, ecology


Starting from Tillich's approach about the church's mission, we identified the needs of the church which it can rightly expect to be met by ecotheology as a science. Looking at the crisis phenomena of the science of theology and ecology, which have a different appearance, but have similar roots, we found that, developing separately and independently, they can no longer fully satisfy the identified needs of the church in our time. We had to ask the question, what kind of ecotheology can be suitable for the reflection of humanity's global ecological crisis and sustainability aspirations? Knowing the possibilities of interpretation of existence, the search for the function of the alienated person and the experience of faith (in accordance with Tillich), we examine the possibilities and frameworks of an apologetic and kerygmatic ecotheology, and after clarifying methodological issues, we outline the possibilities of an ecumenical and transdisciplinary approach, with particular attention to the viewpoint of systematic theology and dogmatics.


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How to Cite

Hufnagel, L., & Csepregi, A. (2023). "Lack, need and tasks" of an ecumenical and transdisciplinary ecotheology. Opuscula Theologica Et Scientifica, 1(2), 91–125. https://doi.org/10.59531/ots.2023.1.2.91-125



Religion and Research